How Root Canal Treatment Can Help Relieve Your Pain

Are you concerned about pain in one or more of your teeth? If the source of your pain is an inflammation or infection in your tooth pulp, root canal therapy can end this discomfort. Offered here at the Sebastian, FL, office of your dentist, Dr. Mark Peterson, read on to learn more about this smile-saving treatment.

Why does my tooth hurt?

Cavities aren't the only cause of toothaches. Tooth pain may also occur if you have an inflammation or infection in your tooth pulp. The pulp is a soft mass of blood vessels, nerves, and tissues in the center of your tooth.

Although the harder dentin and enamel layers protect the pulp, it can be infected or inflamed if you have extensive tooth decay, have experienced tooth trauma, or have a chip or crack in your tooth that allows bacteria to reach the pulp. You may also be at increased risk of a pulp inflammation/infection if you've had multiple dental procedures performed on the same tooth.

How can a root canal help?

Your pulp is removed during a root canal, eliminating the source of your pain. If you are a bit hesitant about undergoing this treatment, don't worry—before the procedure begins, you will receive a local anesthetic to ensure that you don't feel any discomfort.

After your pulp is removed, your dentist will clean and shape the interior of the tooth and the root canals that travel from the bottom to the top of the tooth. He'll also add a few drops of antibiotics to the tooth to kill any lingering bacteria. The final step of the root canal process involves adding a flexible rubber-based filling to restore your tooth.

Need relief? Give us a call

Root canal therapy can relieve your pain! Call your dentist in Sebastian, FL, Dr. Peterson, at (772) 388-3119 to schedule an appointment.



Fellowship Member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.